- Telefon: +40771201668
- Email: [email protected]
- Adresa: Str Acvila, Nr 41, Sector 5, Bucuresti
BAD Romance Club is waiting for you Friday, Saturday and Sunday 22-23-24 of December 2023 between 22.00-5.00 at Three Naughy Days of Christmas Party.
We are waiting for you to make the Christmas tree together and choose the sexiest Christmas girl.
The sexiest lady will have a surprise gift from us.
Between 22:00 and 23.00 the entrance tax for couples is free.
Dress code:
Ladies: Christmas costume or sexy dress in white and red Christmas-themed accessories
Gentlemen: casual with Christmas-themed accessories
At midnight the ladies will be invited to change into sexy lingerie.
Shorts, sportswear and footwear, slippers are strictly forbidden.
For your comfort and safety, please leave your personal belongings in the locker room.
Attention to detail, excellent atmosphere and the quality guests are the reasons why every evening spent with us is unforgettable.
Places are limited to 40 couples and a maximum of 3 single men.
Party ticket price for single man: 600 lei/night
Acces only by recommendation.
Party ticket price for couples between 22:00-23:00- free
Party ticket price for couples after 23:00: 150 lei/night
Single ladies have free access if they are accompanied by a couple.
It will definitely be a crazy night!
Dress to impress!